The Lost Cycle (2016)
16mm | 25'
This cycle of seven 16mm in-camera sketches came about as a result of the process of going through my negatives after many years of neglect -- I found these otherwise lost moments in my filmography, moments that had meaning, which I had intended to do things with but never got around to doing, and decided to release them as a coming to terms with my karma for the medium. (DB)
Reflections I (2016, 3', 16mm)
Reflections II (2016, 4'30", 16mm)
Passage (2016, 3'55", 16mm)
Seasons: Fall (2016, 3'15", 16mm)
Field (2016, 2', 16mm)
Gulf (2016, 6', 16mm)
Flightfilm (2016, 2'30", 16mm)
View images from The Lost Cycle.
Excerpts at "Dan Browne: Prima Materia," Open City Cinema, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. April 22, 2016.
Early Monthly Segments #89, Toronto, ON, Canada. October 24, 2016.
Canadian Film Institute, Café EX, Ottawa, ON, Canada. December 7, 2016.
la lumière, Montreal, QC, Canada. December 9, 2016.