
dan browne

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september 2016

Upcoming screenings:

Quanta (2008) will be presented as part of Light Cone's Scratch Expanded Show on September 17th in Paris. This is a favourite among my own works that is rarely shown, and so I am very appreciative to have it included in an amazing programme of silent films by icons such as Hans Richter, Oskar Fischinger, Maya Deren, Robert Breer, Stan Brakhage, and contemporaries such as Stephen Broomer and Josh Lewis. The event will be a "projection en plein air," don't miss it if you are in Paris.

Poem screens at the BFI London Film Festival in the Experimenta section, in a programme entitled "Reinterpretations of Form" on October 9th. I am very honoured to be included in this programme (alongside the great Ken Jacobs!) and wish that I could attend in person, but unfortunately my presence will be limited to a spectre on the screen. Friends in London, I hope you can be there! 

Poem will also be presented in a great programme curated by Clint Enns and Leslie Supnet, "Beaneath The Tower: Moving Images From Toronto," in Cologne, Germany on October 14th. 

Poem will also be presented in an installation entitled "Inheritance" at Cineworks Vancouver, as part of Graphical Recordings' Variations project, a commissioned series recently released on DVD.

Four years ago this month I premiered memento mori at the WNDX Festival of Moving Image, where it received the Jury Prize for Best Canadian Work. I am grateful that it has been viewed over 4,000 times online and liked by 100 people on its Vimeo page since then, which means it is played almost 3x daily. I sometimes feel conflicted about offering my work online for free, but consider it important for it to be as accessible as possible because I want it to be seen. I am grateful to receive the following comment from one of my favourite filmmakers, Joseph Bernard, who writes: "Your life flashed before my eyes in this delicious experience of images and recordings interwoven with cinematic genius... a network of thought and displacement sharing an exposed nervous system -- all with a dense, dark beauty. This is a absolute rarity of pure filmmaking. Stunning!" If you have enjoyed memento mori (or any of my other works) and would like to support me, you can purchase a BluRay from me personally via email (I will be creating an official limited release to promote this soon). Or, if you are a curator, please consider renting this work from one of its distributors: Winnipeg Film GroupCFMDCLight Cone